Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy
Maryam Fazel
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Zaid Harchaoui
Kevin Jamieson
Computer Science and Engineering
Yin-Tat Lee
Computer Science and Engineering
Abel Rodriguez
Research Assistants
Coming soon!
Washington News
Natalie Frank
Mo Zhou
Libin Zhu
Weihang Xu
Qiwen Cui
Facheng Yu
Begoña García Malaxechebarría
Garrett Mulcahy
Tianxiao Shen
Ross Baczar
Stephen Mussmann
Washington adds 6 RAs for the Spring 2021 term
The University of Washington site of IFDS is funding new Research Assistants in the Spring 2021 term to collaborate across disciplines on IFDS research.
IFDS Postdoctoral Fellow Positions Now Available U Wash
The newly-founded NSF Institute for Foundations of Data Science (IFDS) at the University of Washington (UW), Seattle, is seeking applications for one or more Postdoctoral Fellow positions. This is an ideal position for candidates interested >
Yin Tat Lee earns Packard Fellowship
Each year, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation bestows this prestigious recognition upon a small number of early-career scientists and engineers who are at the leading edge of their respective disciplines. Lee is among just >
UW launches Institute for Foundations of Data Science
The University of Washington will lead a team of institutions in establishing an interdisciplinary research institute that brings together mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists and engineers to develop the theoretical foundations of a fast-growing field: data >
NSF Tripods Phase II Award
The University of Washington (UW) will lead a team of institutions in establishing an interdisciplinary research institute that brings together mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists and engineers to develop the theoretical foundations of a fast-growing field: >
Maryam Fazel (PI) becomes first recipient of the Moorthy Family Inspiration Career Development Professorship
In recognition of her outstanding, innovative work as a researcher and educator, Maryam Fazel (IFDS PI) was recently named the inaugural recipient of the Moorthy Family Inspiration Career Development Professorship. This generous endowment was >