Title: Open problems in mathematical modeling and control of wound healing
Abstract: Wound healing consists of a series of overlapping biological process with sophisticated coordination to promote wound closure. Our research work currently focuses on the task of accelerating wound healing by targeting and artificially manipulating key biological processes. In particular, we aim to develop models and control architectures for real-time feedback control for accelerated wound closure. In this talk, I discuss the progress and challenges of working with a complex biological process with limited data, as well as, developing feedback control algorithms for systems interfaced with a bioelectronic device and limited observable states.
Bio: Marcella M. Gomez is an associate professor at UC Santa Cruz in the department of Applied Mathematics. She received her PhD from Caltech in 2015 and a B.S. from UC Berkeley in 2009; both degrees in Mechanical Engineering. Her research interests are in synthetic and systems biology. In particular, she is interested in developing data-driven methods and foundations for modeling and control of complex biological systems.
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