Sushrut Karmalkar joined UW-Madison as a postdoc in September 2021, mentored by Ilias Diakonikolas in the Department of Computer Sciences and supported by the 2021 CI Fellowship. He completed his Ph.D. at The University of Texas at Austin, advised by Prof. Adam Klivans.
During his Ph.D., Sushrut worked on various aspects of the theory of machine learning, including algorithmic robust statistics, theoretical guarantees for neural networks, and solving inverse problems via generative models.
During the first year of his postdoc, he focused on understanding the problem of sparse mean estimation in the presence of various, extremely aggressive noise models. In this coming year, he plans to work on getting stronger lower bounds for these problems as well as work on getting improved guarantees for slightly weaker noise models.
Sushrut is on the job market this year (2022-2023)!