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IFDS Ideas Forum Double Header

Orchard View Room 330 N. Orchard Street, 3rd Floor NE, Madison, Wisconsin

Speaker 1: Puqian Wang Robustly Learning Single-Index Models via Alignment >

IFDS Ideas Forum Double Header

WID 1145 330 N Orchard Street, Madison, WI

Karan Srivastava Harit Vishwakarma: "Confidence functions for auto-labeling"


Orchard View Room 330 N. Orchard Street, 3rd Floor NE, Madison, Wisconsin

Chao Gao, U Chicago


Orchard View Room 330 N. Orchard Street, 3rd Floor NE, Madison, Wisconsin

Devavrat Shah, MIT


Orchard View Room 330 N. Orchard Street, 3rd Floor NE, Madison, Wisconsin

CMU, Weina Wang

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