Former IFDS Wisc RA Named Rising Star in Machine Learning
Ying Fan, a former IFDS Wisc RA advised by Kangwook Lee, has been selected as a 2024 Rising Star in Machine Learning. The award recognizes her outstanding achievements and potential in advancing the field of machine learning. She was invited to deliver a talk at the Rising Star in Machine Learning series, held on December 5 and 6 at the University of Maryland, College Park.
IFDS members involved in new AI institute
UChicago and UW-Madison are part of a new AI Institute for the SkAI that has foundational components stemming from IFDS research
PI Willett Receives SIAM Activity Group on Data Science Career Prize
IFDS PI Rebecca Willett was the recipient of the SIAM Activity Group on Data Science Career Prize at the 2024 SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (MDS24).
IFDS at University of Washington Welcomes New Postdoctoral Fellows for 2024-2025
Click on their photo to learn more about them.
Washington Adds 5 New RAs
Introducing the current cohort of RAs at University of Washington. Click on their photos for more information.
IFDS affiliate faculty earn prestigious UWisc awards
IFDS affiliates Ilias Diakonikolas and Jerry Zhu received a Romnes Fellowship and Kellett Award respectively. Congratulations to both!
Wright elected to prestigious National Academy of Engineering
NAE membership honors those who have made outstanding contributions to “engineering research, practice, or education, including, where appropriate, significant contributions to the engineering literature.”
Hanbaek Lyu paper featured in Nature Communications
Hanbaek Lyu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin–Madison and IFDS faculty, was published in the January 3, 2023 issue of Nature Communications. His article Learning low-rank latent mesoscale structures in networks is summarized >
IFDS Postdoctoral Fellow Positions Available at the University of Washington
DEADLINE EXTENDED! Full consideration will be given to applications received by January 30, 2024.
UChicago statistician Rina Foygel Barber awarded MacArthur Fellowship
Barber, who serves as the Louis Block Professor of Statistics at UChicago, is recognized for her work in designing ways to better handle large or imperfect datasets. This gives researchers in a range of fields—from healthcare to climate science to astronomical imaging—tools to improve their analysis.
Wisconsin Funds 8 RAs for Fall 2023
Introducing the current cohort of postdocs. Click on their photos for more information.
U Washington IFDS faculty Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy receives the SIAM Activity Group on Optimization Best Paper Prize
This prize is awarded every three years to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper.
IFDS director Maryam Fazel receives Moorthy Professorship
IFDS director, UW ECE Professor, and Lytle Lectureship Chair Maryam Fazel (second from right) was selected as the first recipient of the Moorthy Family Inspiration Career Development Professorship.
IFDS workshop brings together data science experts to explore ways of making algorithms that learn from data more robust and resilient
The workshop focused on exploring “distributional robustness.” This is a promising framework and research area in data science aimed at addressing complex shifts and changes in data, which are fielded by automated devices and processes such as the algorithms used in AI and machine learning.
IFDS Affiliates Publish New Works on Robustness and Optimization
Two recent publications from Cambridge University Press are authored by IFDS affiliates.
IFDS Welcomes Postdoctoral Affiliates for 2022-23
Introducing the current cohort of postdocs. Click on their photos for more information.
IFDS Workshop on Distributional Robustness in Data Science
Deadline to register is 11:30AM PT on July 7, 2022.
Stephen Wright honored with a 2022 Hilldale Award
He is one of four University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty members recognized for contributions to teaching, research and service.
Rodriguez elected as a 2022 ASA Fellow
ASA Fellows are named for their outstanding contributions to statistical science, leadership, and advancement of the field.
Sebastien Roch named Fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Roch is recognized for contributions to the applications of probability theory in evolutionary biology.
IFDS researchers win Outstanding Paper Award at NeurIPS 2021
IFDS researchers at the University of Washington in collaboration with the Allen Institute for AI (AI2) win the prestigious Outstanding Paper Award at the NeurIPS 2021 Conference."
PIMS-IFDS-NSF Summer School in Optimal Transport
Registration is now open at through the PIMS event webpage. Please note that the deadline to apply for funded accommodation for junior participants is Feb15.
Wisconsin Announces Fall ’21 and Spring ’22 RAs
The UW-Madison IFDS site is funding several Research Assistants during Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 to collaborate across disciplines on IFDS research. Each one is advised by a primary and a secondary adviser, all >
IFDS Summer School 2021: Registration Open!
More details at: IFDS Summer School 2021
Six Cluster Hires in Data Science at UW–Madison
All were hired as a result of a cluster hiring process proposed by the IFDS Phase 1 leadership at Wisconsin in 2017 and approved by UW-Madison leadership in 2019.
Research Highlights: Robustness meets Algorithms
Seminal work by Ilias Diakonikolas and collaborators resolved a long-standing open problem in statistics and at the same time was the beginning of a new area, now known as "algorithmic robust statistics".
Rebecca Willett honored by SIAM
Willett was recognized "For her contributions to mathematical foundations of machine learning, large-scale data science, and computational imaging."
IFDS team analyzes COVID-19 spread in Dane and Milwaukee county
A UW-Madison IFDS team recently studied the COVID-19 spreading pattern, and its correlation with business foot traffic, race and ethnicity and age structure of sub-regions within Dane and Milwaukee county.
Data science workshops co-organized by IFDS members
IFDS members have been active leaders in the data science community over the past year, organizing workshops with participants reflecting all core TRIPODS disciplines, covering a broad range of career stages, and advancing the participation of women.
Wisconsin funds 8 Summer RAs
For the first time, IFDS @ Wisconsin is sponsoring a Summer RA program in 2021. As with RAs sponsored under the usual Fall and Spring semester programs, Summer 2021 RAs will be working with >
IFDS team of RAs and Affiliates wins Best Student Paper Award from the American Statistical Association
IFDS Wisc RA Rungang Han, in joint work with IFDS RA Yuetian Luo and Affiliates Anru Zhang and Miaoyan Wang, has been awarded a Best Student Paper Award from the Statistical Learning and Data >
Washington adds 6 RAs for the Spring 2021 term
The University of Washington site of IFDS is funding new Research Assistants in the Spring 2021 term to collaborate across disciplines on IFDS research.
Wisconsin funds 7 RAs for the Spring 21 Semester
The UW-Madison site of IFDS is funding several Research Assistants during Spring semester 2021 to collaborate across disciplines on IFDS research. Each one is advised by a primary and a secondary adviser, all of >
Washington adds 6 RAs to Winter 2021 term
The University of Washington site of IFDS is funding six Research Assistants in Winter quarter 2021 to collaborate across disciplines on IFDS research. Each one is advised by a primary and a secondary adviser, who >
Steve Wright and collaborators win NeurIPS Test of Time Award 2020
Stephen Wright and three colleagues were announced winners of the Test of Time Award at the 2020 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). The award is for the paper judged most influential from NeurIPS >
IFDS Postdoctoral Fellow Positions Now Available U Wash
The newly-founded NSF Institute for Foundations of Data Science (IFDS) at the University of Washington (UW), Seattle, is seeking applications for one or more Postdoctoral Fellow positions. This is an ideal position for candidates interested >
Wisconsin Adds Eight RA’s for IFDS
The UW-Madison site of IFDS is funding eight Research Assistants Fall semester to collaborate across disciplines on IFDS research. Each one is advised by a primary and a secondary adviser, all of them members >
Yin Tat Lee earns Packard Fellowship
Each year, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation bestows this prestigious recognition upon a small number of early-career scientists and engineers who are at the leading edge of their respective disciplines. Lee is among just >
UW launches Institute for Foundations of Data Science
The University of Washington will lead a team of institutions in establishing an interdisciplinary research institute that brings together mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists and engineers to develop the theoretical foundations of a fast-growing field: data >
UW–Madison to Continue Fundamental Data Science Research with Phase II Award from NSF
The Wisconsin Institute for Discovery is home to the Institute for the Foundations of Data Science, which has received Phase II funding from the National Science Foundation.
UChicago Joins Three Universities in Institute for Foundational Data Science
The Transdisciplinary Research In Principles Of Data Science (TRIPODS) program of the National Science Foundation supports this work by bridging these three disciplines for research and training. In its first round of Phase II >
New data science institute includes a focus on ethics and algorithms
UC Santa Cruz will join three other institutions to establish a transdisciplinary research institute bringing together mathematicians, statisticians, and theoretical computer scientists to develop the theoretical foundations of the fast-growing field of data science. Read >
NSF Tripods Phase II Award
The University of Washington (UW) will lead a team of institutions in establishing an interdisciplinary research institute that brings together mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists and engineers to develop the theoretical foundations of a fast-growing field: >
Maryam Fazel (PI) becomes first recipient of the Moorthy Family Inspiration Career Development Professorship
In recognition of her outstanding, innovative work as a researcher and educator, Maryam Fazel (IFDS PI) was recently named the inaugural recipient of the Moorthy Family Inspiration Career Development Professorship. This generous endowment was >